With the coins we think money, naturally, but there are other material things like our homes and families, our jobs and coworkers, our physical environments. The Seven of Coins asks us to look at how we relate our spiritual perspective to the very practical world around us. Are these in sync?
I need to work on this balance. Currently my mind is running on overdrive spending much energy on its psycho-spiritual well-being and development. This involves a lot of cloistering, being quiet. And even when I'm with others, I'm not very participatory. But what does that mean for others around me? Do I just claim my spiritual mindset as more important than my relations to the physical world around me? No, I can't do that. I have to spend time with students, visit my aging parents, be responsive to my partner, (especially since our schedules will soon be on high-hectic and we won't get a lot of free time together). And what about taking care of this house I live in? As much as I want to lie in bed with the insence on full blast, I also have to vacuum, clean the tub, pay bills.
The Seven of Coins invites us to evaluate this relationship between our spiritural and physical existences. When they are in balance, we can let their true value shine through.
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