Thursday, September 17, 2015

Get a grip!

And then we have those weeks.  

I don't see Tarot as predictive or divinatory. I see how the cards can relate to personal life and lead to  reflection. Still, the Tower, or Maison Dieu, was the card I chose on the day of the car accident, and the Three of Coins was on the day of an important meeting I was chairing and hoping to keep all sides coming together, and, and, and... Let's leave it at that. There was coincidence. Synchonicity for some.  Whatever.  

What got me most though was that the handle of the sword on the Three of Swords kept sticking out to me.  As my eye wandered all over the card hoping for some meaning, it kept coming back to the handle. And then it was obivous. Get a grip!  It's not all that complicated.  Just control those things that you are supposed to and it'll all be fine.  And  I did just that.  What started as a complicated week on Saturday, filled with all kinds of BS, became so much more manageable when I just took hold of those things that I knew I could. 

Let's remember this.  Do you have a grip on the things that belong to you, the things that are within your control?  Does this realization temper (sword) all of the nonsense that seems to be flying around?  Sure, that Three of Swords can be rather practical, but heck, isn't it a reminder that ultimately we are the ones in control?

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