Thursday, August 27, 2015

Take a deep breath...

I know the Five of Wands is often related to conflict, and I guess to some extent that works for me, but stepping back a bit I think that many of the conflicts in our lives are the result of not facing the facts, not being honest about whatever it is we're dealing with.  I guess a question that could help address any issue of conflict would be "Am I being honest in my perspective on the situation?  Or am I relying on my habitual thinking patterns and routine responses as I deal with this situation?"  That single wand getting all involved with the other four is going to be pretty pursuasive to show that it is the true way or has the right answer.  But is that the right path?

I like this particular portrayal of the Five of Wands.  Notice that single wand in the middle isn't completely connected. (In other decks, it is covered by the opposing wands, so you can't see it completely either.) It APPEARS as a single path through the conflict of the opposing four, but that's just because our eyes are filling in the gap.  Perhaps what we thought was the direct path, the correct response to the conflict, really isn't.  

Today will be the fourth day of the new semester.  Each day this week is filled to the brim.  There are lots of new students, a lot of new preparations, and tons of emails flying about.  All of this comes after a rather relaxing few weeks during which I had a lot of down time, time I could devote to being quiet and doing quiet things alone.  My energies are quite exhausted by the end of the day.

 It's Thursday.  It would be so easy today to do what I usually do on Thursdays--go to the local beer joint and take part in their featured beer tastings.  I know I could sit back, relax and have a few cold ones.  I won't have to teach tomorrow morning, so I could hang out a little longer than usual.  But that would just be my regular Thursday routine.  It is in conflct with my goal of getting a little fitter, exercising more, losing weight, etc.  So, yeah, it'd be really great to have the regular Thursday fun after work, the temptation is there, but I'm not going. I honestly need to leave that for others.  

How will you deal with the conflicts that arise today?  You might have an immediate, passionate response (wands), often just rote responses and reactions, or you might take a moment to reassess your response to the situation.  Are you being honest with yourself?  

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